Listening - An environmental scientist talks about heat loss from houses

From OER in Education
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How does a house lose heat? What are the ways to stop this loss of heat?

Lesson idea. Ray Galvin, an environmental scientist specialising in home insulation policy, mentions some ways to reduce the amount of heat lost from our houses and also suggests that we might look at dehumidifiers and heat pumps to reduce our use of energy. The supplied questions aim to focus students' attention and prompt a discussion.

Teaching approach. This ten-minute recording was made for a local radio show with a strap line that 'science has a use after school'. Audio podcasts, of which this is one, replace easily-missed radio shows and keep us informed. Universities also create podcasts, and just some teachers do too, gaining the unusual advantage that a podcast easily gets into a student's music player. (edit)

Resource details
Title Listening to scientists - an environmental scientist talks about heat loss from houses
Topic [[Topics/Science|Science]]
Teaching approach

[[Teaching Approaches/|]]

Learning Objectives

Knowing how houses lose heat and about some obvious and some less conventional approaches to keeping warm.

Format / structure

Audio podcast (mp3) - 11 minutes


[[Resources/Secondary|Secondary]],  [[Resources/Science|Science]]

Age of students / grade

[[Resources/12+ years|12+ years]],  [[Resources/Secondary|Secondary]]

Useful information

Edited from The Science Show on Cambridge 105 FM

Files and resources to view and download

There are some questions and discussion prompts available on here. Radio - audio: interview Dr Ray Galvin (10 minutes) Right click to Save. Or click to use


This resource was created by Roger Frost, and is under the ORBIT's CC licence.