Open Educational Resources

Guidance for Schools


From OER in Education
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The OER Guidance for Schools was originally commissioned by Leicester City Council in October 2014 and is part of the DigiLit Leicester project. The Guidance aims to support school staff in understanding and making use of open licensing, and creating and sharing their own OER. You can find out further information about the Guidance on the Introduction page. In November 2014, the African Virtual University translated the OER Guidance into French and Portuguese, for use during their teacher educator programmes.

Download the OER Guidance for Schools

Downloadable files

The original guidance can be accessed at http://schools.leicester.gov.uk/openeducation and is also hosted on http://oer.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/OERGS. All documents were updated in January 2015, to reflect any corrections / amendments since last October. In principle, the PDF documents below may lag behind the Google documents, so if you've spotted a mistake, or you want to access the latest versions, please consult the this Google Docs link.

Main guidance documents, G0-G4 all in one PDF, with cover:

Main guidance documents, as individual PDF files:

Supporting documents, as PDF files:

Zip files:

The English-language versions of October 2014 and January 2015 are available under the following licence:

CC BY 4.0

OER Guidance for Schools (October 2014), commissioned by Leicester City Council, produced by Björn Haßler, Helen Neo and Josie Fraser. Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. The OER Guidance for Schools documents are available from http://schools.leicester.gov.uk/openeducation. (As far as the authors are aware the information contained within these documents is accurate on the date upon which they were produced. However, the information contained in the documents is not legal advice. If you require such advice, please seek advice from a suitably legally qualified professional.)

Version history

  • October 2014: Original versions (English versions)
  • January 2015:
    • Correction of one typo (G2), and minor layout corrections (English versions)
    • Release of all-in-one PDF with contiguous numbering (English)

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