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Revision as of 16:55, 20 November 2012

Series: Abel rectangles

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Instructions for the interactive task

Instructions for the interactive task

[[]], Template:Fullurl:,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Abel rectangles folder.[[|About this video]]. Duration: 4:32 (The query description has an empty condition. watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Abel rectangles, episode 04)

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This video is used on the following pages

Background on this video

Background on this video is available here:

In this clip, the teacher (Abel) gives an introduction to group work task (on area and perimeter with GeoGebra), then students do group work. The teacher support students in group work, but the students find it difficult to follow the teachers explanations. Towards the end of the clip, the teacher then asks some students to come over, to explain the issue to the group in their own words.

In Abels' class, peer learning takes place spontaneously, because he has set up the conditions for learning, and in particular a safe environment, enabling children to help each other. In his class, during group work, children often get up and help their peers.

Questions for reflection

Questions for reflection are available here:

  • What is the role of the teacher during group work in this clip?
  • How does a teacher know when to intervene?
  • How can a teacher encourage peer support during group work? Would Abel’s technique of bringing in older pupils or faster learners to help their peers aid a teacher with a large class?
  • How did the use of ICT help the learners’ enquiry?


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