OER4Schools/What is interactive teaching/review of follow up

From OER in Education

Sharing your reflections through:

Activity icon.png Whole group reflection (10 min) on brainstorm in the classroom. As a group discuss the following:

  • What was the objective of the new activity?
  • How was the activity interactive?
  • How do you think the activity went? In particular, how did learners respond?
  • How did you integrate the activity with the rest of the lesson?
  • What would you change if you taught this again?

Activity icon.png Whole group reflection (10 min) on netbook familiarisation activities.

  • How did the netbook familiarisation go?
  • What issues and challenges came up?

Activity icon.png Whole group reflection (5 min) on classroom assistants.

Did you recruit any older students as Classroom Assistants this week? For which teaching activity were they recruited? Did you use any criteria for choosing them? What is your assessment of their usefulness for achieving lesson objectives? What is the impact on the learning of the classroom assistants by carrying out this role? Discuss any issues that you faced in recruiting or by recruiting classroom assistants. Remember: it is very important that classroom assistants are recruited with full cooperation of the students, their parents, teachers and the school administration. It needs to be a voluntary activity.