Organising images for a narrative

From OER in Education
Revision as of 11:09, 16 April 2012 by Bjoern (talk | contribs)
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Organising Images for a Narrative

  • Activity Outine: This is a very open activity, the students are to take a series of photographs that show an process in science (or possibly in maths) with digital cameras. They they use the computer based image organisation/slideshow software to arrange these images in an order that is able to show/represent the process that they wish to show. Using the software, where possible they add labels and notes to the image. The aim is to allow them to describe a process without the need for significant amounts of text.
  • Suggested Contexts:
    • How shadow lengths vary duting the day
    • Any science investrigation/practical activity that the class may be carrying out
    • Photographing the germination of a plant seed over time (once a day)
    • Photographing a walk around the school grounds looking for animal habitats
    • In the science activity (visualising data) students may want to photograph different stages of the measurement
    • In maths, students may want to photograph different stages of the stones investigation.