Whole class dialogue (5 min): Whole group reflection on what these interactive teaching methods can contribute to your teaching. Talk to the person next to you and/or collectively brainstorm - what can these interactive methods contribute to your teaching, especially over the next few weeks?
Remember to reflect yourself on how this workshop went, and to audio record:
- How did the workshop go?
- Which parts did participants respond to best? Why?
- Were there any parts of the material that didn’t work very well? Why?
- Did you deviate from the plan at any point? How?
- How long did the workshop take?
- Were there any logistical issues? (eg latecomers/absentees, technical difficulties, etc)
Research lesson debrief
Lesson Study: Research Lesson and Debrief
Video/Lesson Study - Research Lesson and Debrief.mp4, https://oer.opendeved.net/wiki/Video/Lesson_Study_-_Research_Lesson_and_Debrief.mp4,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Video from other organisations folder. Duration: 3:15 watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Video from other organisations, episode N/A)