This manual has been designed to support a 7-day workshop, with multiple sessions suggested for each day. Depending on your needs and circumstances, the workshop might be best timetabled over a weekend, for example, so that the fieldwork task can be carried out on a Saturday, allowing time for the notes to be written up and available for discussion on the Monday.
A sample timetable is available on Session 1/Overview
Nidhi and Roger: we might need to ammend this because session 3 (day 2) seems to include more than just 'community scoping'. Perhaps best i change this once the structure of the workshop and its sessions is finalised.
Singal, N., and Jeffery, R. (2008). Qualitative Research Skills Workshop: A Facilitator's Reference Manual, http://oer.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/RECOUP, Cambridge: RECOUP (Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty, http://recoup.educ.cam.ac.uk/). CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. (original page)