Hypothesis and Variables/Lesson Document
What does this resource offer the teacher and the learners? What is its pedagogical purpose?
For the learners – A – Exposure to the scientific terms used in scientific investigations and in ISA exams. B – kinestatic activities to become familiar with scientific terminology. C – Opportunity to use scientific terminology before the GCSE ISA exams.
For the teachers – a way to cover scientific terminology – a topic that is not as exiting as most science topics. Preparation of students for their GCSE ISA exam.
How would it be used in the classroom? In particular, what kinds of classroom organisation (e.g. whole class discussion, small group investigation) and other pedagogical techniques (e.g. open-ended questioning, ‘no hands up’, ground rules for talk, hands-on data collection, card sort, post-it notes, case studies, group secretary...) would best support it?
Most of the lesson is based around students working in pairs or groups.
5 minutes - Student based starter – anagrams of a few terms. 20 minutes - activity to familiarise with some of the terms – students have to find their pair (one student has a card with a term, the other with the description). Assessment by students – using the AQA Glossary of terms page. 10 minutes – teacher introduces some of the pairs and their terms to the class, reinforcing understanding by examples and graphs drawn on the board. 15 minutes – student group work - play Taboo with cards containing most of the terms. 10 minutes – plenary – crossword of the terms and free writing activity for the more advanced students.
How does it support students’ learning of the particular topic? This is one of a few lessons preparing the students for the ISA GCSE exam. It covers a ‘dry’ topic – scientific terms. Students would have learned some or most of the terms in the regular science lessons; this lesson gathers previous knowledge and adds new terms. What kind(s) of learning might it support? (eg collaborative / enquiry-based / revision / exploration / hands-on experience from which concepts can be built / consolidation / extension to new more challenging problems / argumentation or reasoning skills... any or all of these?)
The pairing activity supports collaborative learning. The taboo card game supports group consolidation learning. The plenary offers challenge and hands-on experience of how to use the terms.
What tips would you offer a teacher who would like to use this?
The cards for the pairing and taboo have to be ready before the lesson. Plan who will be in each group for the taboo card game. Help struggling students along the way.
Pedagogical tags.
To look out for or include in the resource itself: Pitfalls - what issues would you see arising? A few terms are complex for students to understand. Good use of the AQA Glossary of terms pages can move the lesson (or a few struggling students) on. More able students can finish the task earlier – they can assist their colleagues or use the spare time to write free text using the terms. Comic writing can ease their use.
Pedagogical rationale Students will become familiar with scientific terminology. They will be ready for the GCSE exam. Students will collaborate in the class activities during the lesson.