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List of templates used for creating anchors and links to subpages.

To create a subpage, to you use this: It's prints the subpage name (without "/"), and links to it.

{{Template:RECOUP/SP|PAGENAME}} (without anchor), example:
{{Template:RECOUP/SPA|PAGENAME}} (with anchor), example: 

This feature should be used for all subpages (such as videos, other information, etc), except for handouts and presentation slides.

To create a subpage that is a handout, use the HO and HOA templates instead. They simply use the SP/SPA templates, but allow us to add a symbol indicating a handout:

{{Template:RECOUP/HO|PAGENAME}} (without anchor), example: handout
{{Template:RECOUP/HOA|PAGENAME}} (with anchor), example:  handout

To create a subpage that is a presentation, use the PR and PRA templates. They simply use the SP/SPA templates, but allow us to add a symbol indicating a presentation:

{{Template:RECOUP/PR|PAGENAME}} (without anchor), example: handout
{{Template:RECOUP/PRA|PAGENAME}} (with anchor), example:  handout

For the text of the actual subpage to which you are linking, you can use a media template, see :Category:MediaTemplates.

Cc-by-nc-sa-narrow.png Singal, N., and Jeffery, R. (2008). Qualitative Research Skills Workshop: A Facilitator's Reference Manual,, Cambridge: RECOUP (Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. (original page)