CCE Film Seminar

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CCE Film Seminar
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Geogebra group work

A group of students jointly progress on their task to investigate the relationship between area and perimeter of rectangles.

Video/Geogebra-group-interaction.m4v,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Abel rectangles folder.About this video. Duration: 2:03 (Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "". watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Abel rectangles, episode 06)

  • How are the children interacting?
  • Do you think the children are learning?
  • What are the conditions for learning that enable such an interaction to take place?
  • Does it surprise you that the students had not used GeoGebra much before? Does this tell you something about your expectations of childrens' abilities to learn independently, and with ICT?