OER4Schools/Collecting and interpreting information/review of follow up

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Activity icon.png Small group activity (20 min). Get into your small group of last week’s ‘making use of enquiry ideas A-E’ activity to discuss your homework tasks.

Part A: (5 mins) You were asked to try out a mini-GeoGebra enquiry lesson in your class. Discuss in your small groups the following questions:

  • How did your students respond to the open nature of this task?
  • Did you feel confident with teaching using GeoGebra? Why or why not?
  • What other observations can you make that will help you evaluate the use of GeoGebra?

Part B: (15 mins) Invite colleagues to share how their extended enquiry-based learning (EBL) lessons are going. They could do this by giving PMIs of at least two of the following considerations of a successful EBL lesson:

  • Nature of enquiry tasks (e.g. are they open-ended enough so that students could also take some responsibility to research and find ways to investigate different enquiry ideas, rather than just producing an answer or a solution?).
  • Students’ involvement in framing enquiry tasks and questions (e.g. can you persuade students to ask more questions without feeling shy or stupid?).
  • Students’ engagement and competence in conducting an experiment, searching for information or resources themselves.
  • Students’ engagement and competence in interpreting the information or data themselves.
  • Teacher’s role as a guide and co-learner with the students.
  • Availability and accessibility of resources (e.g. Internet).