From OER in Education

Projects on education in sub-Saharan Africa

Below is a list of projects focusing on the development of education in sub-Saharan Africa.

(see EduSSA/resources, see also OER teacher education resources).

Reports ...

Publications directly related to OER4Schools

  • Three papers covering Phases 2 and 3 are forthcoming (please email us at for updates):
    • Hennessy, S., Haßler, B. & Hofmann, R. (2015, in press). Challenges and opportunities for teacher professional development in interactive use of technology in African schools. In J. Tondeur & J. Voogt (eds.), Technology, Pedagogy and Education: Special Issue on "Capacity Building for 21st Century Learning in Africa: A Focus on ICT Integration in Education."
    • Hennessy, S., Haßler, B., & Hofmann, R. (under review). Pedagogic change by Zambian primary school teachers participating in the OER4Schools professional development programme for one year.
    • Haßler, B., Hennessy, S., & Hofmann, R., with Makonga, A. (in preparation). Sustainability and scalability of pedagogic innovation in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of the OER4Schools professional development programme.
  • Published work includes:
    • B.Haßler, S. Hennessy, A. Cross, with E. Chileshe and B. Machiko (2014). School-based professional development in a developing context: Lessons learnt from a case study in Zambia. Professional Development in Education. doi:.
    • Lawrie, J., Hennessy. S. & Haßler, B. (2014) Technology and teacher professional development. (Chapter 7). In Burns, M. & Lawrie, J. (Eds.), Teacher professional development in fragile contexts: A guide for policymakers and practitioners. New York, NY: Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies.
    • Hennessy, S., Haßler, B., & Mwewa, G. (2012). Using digital technology and school-based professional development to leverage interactive classroom teaching in Zambia. In J. MacBeath & M. Younger (Eds.), Millennium Goals Revisited: A Common Wealth of Learning. London: Routledge. Available online.
    • Haßler, Hennessy and Lubasi (2011), Changing Classroom Practice using a School-Based Professional Development Approach to Introducing Digital Resources in Zambia, Itupale Online Journal of African Studies, Volume 111. Available at:
    • Hennessy, S., Onguko, B., Ang’ondi, E. K., Harrison, D., Namalefe, S., Naseem, A., & Wamakote, L. (2010). Developing use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning in East African schools: a review of the literature (No. 1). Cambridge, UK and Dar es Salaam, TZ: Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development - Eastern Africa.
    • Hennessy, S., Harrison, D. & Wamakote, L. (2010). Teacher factors influencing classroom use of ICT in sub-Saharan Africa. Itupale Online Journal of African Studies, 2 (“Education in Africa: Developments for the 21st Century”), 39-54. Available at:

The DfID ANTSIT project [1] report is available here:

CCE literature review

  • The CCE literature review on uses of ICT in primary and secondary schools and teacher education institutions in African Commonwealth countries, with a particular focus on East Africa, in order to inform our research and professional development work, is available here [2]. The review is available in:

Other reports

UNESCO Education for All, Global Monitoring Reports

UNESCO (2014). Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all.

HEART Educational Technology Topic Guide

This topic guide, produced by The Health & Education Advice & Resource Team (HEART), and funded by Department for International Development (DFID), is available here:

Pedagogy, curriculum, teaching practices and teacher education in developing countries

Westbrook, J., Durrani, N., Brown, R., Orr, D., Pryor, J., Boddy, J., Salvi, F., (December 2013). Pedagogy, curriculum, teaching practices and teacher education in developing countries: final report..

Education in sub-Saharan Africa - background reading

This document has a rough collection the recent literature regarding teacher education in developing countries.

OER4Schools background reading.docx (info) OER4Schools background reading.pdf (info)


Key texts in UK education

There are a number of key texts, often given in references in the OER4Schools units. Primarily about UK education, but inspiring in the global context none the less:

  • Maddock, M., Peacock, A., Hart, S. & Drummond, M.-J. (2012).Creating Learning Without Limits. Maidenhead: Open UniversityPress.
  • Alexander, R. (ed) (2010), Children, Their World, Their Education: Final Report and Recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review. London: Routledge.
  • Index for inclusion (add reference) see Index for Inclusion

EFF toolkit

Education in sub-Saharan Africa - background reading

Below is an overview of the recent literature regarding teacher education in developing countries.

OER4Schools background reading.docx (info) OER4Schools background reading.pdf (info)