Introduction to OER4Schools
From OER in Education
The OER4Schools Professional Development Resource
This is the professional development resource of the OER4Schools project at the Centre for Commonwealth Education. For more information about this project, visit the OER4Schools project page.
Units in the professional development resource
- Overview of the resource
- Unit 1: Introduction to interactive teaching and the use of ICT
- Unit 2: Whole class dialogue & effective questioning
- Unit 3: Effective group work and collaborative learning
- Unit 4: Assessment of learning and lesson pacing
- Unit 5: Enquiry-based learning and supporting co-enquiry
- Unit 6: Sharing the vision
See OER4Schools/Detailed outline for more information.
The contents of some of these units will be added throughout 2012.
Lesson and activity templates
- OER4Schools lesson plan (blank)
- OER4Schools activity template (blank)
- OER4Schools lesson plan for a lesson on vertebrates
Classroom activities
The videos used in our resource are also available from our YouTube site,
Introduction to Chalimbana Basic School
The description of the video
[[]], Template:Fullurl:, Duration: