OER4Schools/ICT/Robots and spreadsheets part 2
Facilitator distributes "traffic lights". In some parts of Africa these are also known as "robots".[-]In Zambia, and parts of southern Africa, these are known as "robots".[Z]In some parts of Africa these are also known as "robots", but this is not the case in Kenya.[K]In Rwanda these are also known as "robots".[R]...[S]...[U]...[G] This is the first time we mention traffic lights and it would be a good idea to know what they mean in this context. This information can be found on the two pages: Traffic lights, How to make traffic lights. Make sure that before you get to this session you familiarise yourself with traffic lights and that you have some traffic lights ready with you.
Introduction (5 min) to Traffic lights(a). (Or, "robots", if you prefer.)[Z](Or, "robots", if you prefer.)[R]
Traffic lights (robots)[Z] have three lights - red, orange and green. These lights signal to drivers what action they should take on the road with each coloured light having a different meaning associated with it: Red means STOP; Orange means GET READY TO GO and Green means GO. Their meanings for classroom application are as follows:
- RED means “I’m stuck. I need some extra help. I don’t feel I have progressed.”
- ORANGE means “I’m not quite sure. I need a little help. I feel I have made some progress.”
- GREEN means “I understand fully. I’m okay without help. I feel I have progressed a lot.”
While you do practical work in groups, make a stack of your three cards near your groups. Place the colour on top which shows how you are progressing as a group. The facilitator will see the colour and help you appropriately.
Different-tasks group work (15 min) with ICT on various topics. You now have 15 minutes to do ICT practice, and we return to working with spreadsheets. Below are the two sets of exercises with spreadsheets: one you have already encountered in a previous session, and the other is new. Revisit what you have done, and then work on some new things. Remember, that many of the applications you are using are pretty open ended, so explore additional things that interest you.
1. Basic Calculations
You can print this content on a separate sheet here: OER4Schools/Spreadsheet exercises/1.
2. Formatting Worksheets
You can print this content on a separate sheet here: OER4Schools/Spreadsheet exercises/2.