OER4Schools/Using questions as a starting point for monitoring and accountability

From OER in Education

A reading from Creating Learning Without Limits (2012), by M. Maddock, A. Peacock, S. Hart & M.-J. Drummond, Open University Press, Maidenhead.

Using questions as a starting point for monitoring and accountability (p. 111, Figure 6.4)

Building confidence and emotional security Do all the children feel emotionally safe, comfortable and positive about their participation in learning activities?
Strengthening feelings of competence and control Do their classroom experiences strengthen or restore all children’s feelings of competence and control?
Increasing enjoyment and purposefulness Are classroom activities experienced by all children as interesting, enjoyable and purposeful?
Enhancing children’s identities as learners Do all the children experience sustained success and achievement in their learning, and recognition of that achievement?
Increasing hope and confidence in the future Do all the children recognize their own power to make a difference to their own future development? Do they develop constantly expanding conceptions of what is possible? Are they hopeful and confident for the future?
Increasing children’s sense of acceptance and belonging Do all the children feel that they are looked upon by others as an equal member of the classroom community? Do they feel that their contributions are recognized and valued by their peers, as well as by their teacher?
Increasing children’s capacity to work as a learning community Have all the children developed the skills they needed to work together constructively as a team? Do they accept responsibility for working effectively as a learning community?
Providing successful access by all children to whatever knowledge, understanding and skills are intended to be the focus of a lesson Have all the children understood and engaged with the content and learning intentions of the lesson? Have they engaged in worthwhile learning in relation to these intentions?
Increasing relevance, enhancing meaning Have all the children found the content and tasks of the lesson relevant to their lives and concerns? Has it created intellectual connections for them? Has it opened up new horizons and led to recognition of new meanings and relevances?
Enhancing thinking, reasoning, explaining Have all the children been helped to think, to talk about their thinking, to reflect on their learning and what helps them to learn?