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OER4Schools Resource
Introduction to OER4Schools
0.1 - Overview
0.2 - Detailed outline
0.3 - How to use this resource
0.4 - An introduction to facilitating the OER4Schools programme
0.5 - Further links and pointers
0.6 - Table of contents
Unit 1 - Introduction to interactive teaching and the use of ICT
1.1 - What is interactive teaching? An introduction to the interactive Zambian classroom
1.2 - Introduction to interactive teaching with ICT
1.3 - Activity planning and reflection
1.4 - ICTs in interactive teaching
1.5 - Effective use of ICT
1.6 - Leadership for Learning
Unit 2 - Whole class dialogue and effective questioning
2.1 - Introduction to whole class dialogue and effective questioning
2.2 - Questioning
2.3 - More on questioning
2.4 - Concept mapping
2.5 - Engaging the community
Unit 3 - Group work
3.1 - Group work: Same task and different tasks group work
3.2 - When to use group work and how to manage it
3.3 - Mixed pace group work with and without ICT
3.4 - Talking points and effective group work
3.5 - Review of group work
3.6 - Designing interactive lesson plans
Unit 4 - Assessment for learning and lesson pacing
4.1 - Introduction to Assessment for Learning
4.2 - Learning objectives and success criteria
4.3 - Formative feedback
4.4 - Peer and self-assessment
4.5 - Review of AfL and lesson pacing
Unit 5 - Enquiry-based learning and project work
5.1 - Introduction to enquiry-based learning
5.2 - Starting the enquiry-based learning process
5.3 - Collecting and interpreting information: Part one
5.4 - Collecting and interpreting information: Part two
5.5 - Presenting findings of enquiries
Unit 6 - Into the future
6.1 - Programme review and action research
7 - Appendices
7.1 - List of concepts, methods and techniques for reference.
7.2 - A session template for making your own sessions
7.3 - Video for OER4Schools
8 - Induction sessions
8.1 - A workshop for school leaders
8.2 - A workshop for OER4Schools programme facilitators
8.3 - OER4Schools Taster Session - eLA 2013
8.4 - Mobile Learning Week 2014
8.5 - eLearning Africa 2014
8.6 - Faculty of Education Workshop May 2014
8.7 - AVU workshop November 2014
8.7 - AVU workshop November 2014
8.7 - AVU workshop November 2014
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