TESSA Working With Teachers/Table2

From OER in Education
S/N Active teaching and learning method Some of the teaching skills you need
1. Building models Thinking about what your pupils will learn. Being able to build the model yourself.
2. Classification Using observation.
3. Collaborative activities Knowing your pupils, to enable you to decide on working groups.
5. Debate Giving all pupils an opportunity to participate.
6. Demonstration Identifying what materials you will use to demonstrate. Allowing pupils to handle, draw and discuss.
7. Discussion Giving all pupils an opportunity to participate.
8. Displaying real items (exhibitions) Organising your classroom or exhibition space.Thinking how pupils can share their knowledge, e.g. labels.
9. Games Thinking about what your pupils will learn.Being able to play the game yourself.
10. Group work Arranging your classroom in advance.Deciding how to divide your pupils.Deciding on a job for each pupil in the group.
11. Investigation/inquiry Planning the investigation/inquiry with your pupils.Deciding how pupils will report.
12. Making deductions Helping pupils to discover for themselves.
13. Mind mapping/ brainstorming Identifying clearly the issue or problem.Letting pupils know the rules.Giving a clear summary at the end.
14. Observation/ identification Using local resources.Using questioning.
15. Prediction Helping pupils form appropriate questions.
16. Problem solving Setting out the problem clearly.Identifying in advance areas of difficulty.Thinking of questions which will help pupils.
17. Project method Using group work.Helping pupils discover and think for themselves.
18. Questioning Thinking about the type of question – open or closed.Encouraging a range of pupils to answer.Encouraging pupils to think for themselves.
19. Reporting/oral presentation Using a variety of ways – oral, posters, etc.
20. Researching/exploration Defining the research question.Deciding on the research method.Deciding on how the findings will be recorded.
21. Role play Using group work to act out a situation.Thinking about where the groups will work – inside or outside of the classroom.
22. Simulation Giving pupils a clear brief.
23. Story telling/folk tales Identifying where you can find local and other stories.Using different people to tell stories – you, pupils and local people.
24. Student field work Planning.Setting clear learning objectives for pupils.Using investigations.
25. Think–pair–share Using good time management.