Tools/QR Code Generator

From OER in Education
Label objects with notes and knowledge - QR code generator

Tool Description QR CODE GENERATOR allows you to make the 2D patterns most often used in advertising or retailing. A QR code may contain a page of text; a link to a web page or photo or all your contact details. When you have made the code, a mobile device with an app, such as Google Goggles, is used to read it. You could for example use QR code(tool) patterns to offer information of objects in a display cabinet, or make use of the time pupils spend queuing in the corridor, put a QR code(tool) with useful facts on the classroom door. The gain is that you can get data into a mobile device, and possibly a student too, without typing. The QR code can get a phone number ready to dial; create a text message; put a date in your diary or show you a place on a map. A link below offers classroom ideas. (edit)

Teaching Approach. QR codes can be used to embed links to further information in visualisations(ta), perhaps making use of corridor displays to link to wikipedia pages on current topics. (edit)

Tool details
Title Label objects with notes and knowledge
Topic [[Topics/QR codes|QR codes]]
Licence / Cost / Platform

Web tool allows you to create a code. A phone or webcam app is needed to scan the pattern

Subject / Categories ToolInfo, QR codes
Teaching Ideas / Links

© Preview snapshot. This QR code stores the information within the pattern itself © Preview snapshot. This QR code is a link back to your data on the generator site