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AVU 2014 slides
Good morning
- Björn Haßler
- University of Cambridge
Workshop contributions:
- OER4Schools
- OER Guidance
- Raspberry Pi
Translations are progressing!
- The OER4Schools resource is available at http://www.oer4schools.org (and on memory stick / paper).
- It is an Open Educational Resource.
- You may use it how you wish under the terms of CC BY-SA or CC BY-NC.
- Zambia, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Sierra Leone.
OER4Schools - Features
- Focus on learning
- Similar in approach to TESSA, COL, lesson study.
- A complete 2-year programme.
- Video, produced in/for SSA.
- Broad vision of "open"
- Integrates ICT for subject teaching.
- Student-centred approach.
- Pre-service / In-service
- Focus on learning (teachers and students)
Plan - Teach - Reflect
Session 1
- Discovering new ideas
- ICT practice
- Planning classroom activities
After the session: Try the classroom ideas
Next session
- Reflection
- more planning
Education in SSA
- Urban boys vs. rural girls
- Relevance of the curriculum
- Effective teaching practice
- In-service vs. pre-service
- ICT integration in education?
Join in!
- This evening (talk over dinner, meet back here)
- Tomorrow
- Memory sticks + books
- fb oer4schools
- http://tiny.cc/oer4s