
From OER in Education

I am a teacher in Kenya. My school is situated in Nairobi but within a slum area.This poses a lot of challenges to the students. I work 5 days a week.

I am now in Cambridge working on a project to improve on curriculum implementation through the use of OER4Schools, see OER4Schools/Kenya. It is a wonderful experience and a life time opportunity.I hope to make a lot of contributions in Kenyan Education. I am here for three months. (April - July 2014)

OER4Schools Kenya (info)

Session 1.1 The title to read.An introduction to interactive Kenyan classroom.

The intentions and objectives are quite good and can be adopted for Kenyan context.But what is a netbook? To achieve a success cretaria all the suggestions given are workable though it can generate a lot of noise and may take longer than the scheduled time for a single lesson in kenya. The information on whole class dialogue is ok.The idea of conducting a workshop is also good because it gives one an opportunity to share the best practice. Ground rules must definitely be set for the smooth running of the programs. that have been put in place.The idea of record of attendance being maintained will help to keep them in check.To be adopted. Working in groups and sharing of ideas is the best way to get more information on what you are looking be adopted because a large number will be allowed to contribute. And there is respect for every participant.

The video is good because it presents a typical kenyan school but the names of the regions where the children come from and the accent is not kenyan.we could change this to a kenyan context. Everything about session 1.1 for Kenyan context is good with very little modifications. session 1.2 is equally adoptable for the kenyan context except for the photos that can be changed a bit to meet our standards.The idea about lesson plans is practical in Kenya and incooperating ICT or interactive learning will make it more real.Given that lesson run for 35min.more time needs to be scheduled to include this.With he excitement and the noise that may be generated the teacher should be able to supervise and control. Still on the cycle of plan-teach-reflect that would give the teacher a chance to assess what the learners have gained. Classroom assistants may be sourced for but how will they benefit from this if they already have the knowledge?

Most of the primary schools operate at the same time particular where learning resources eg classrooms are not limited.Time is between 8:00-3:20pm. The teachers may chose to extend with the senior classes but this is not approved of by the ministry. All the other areas are great and can be adapted

Allowing the children to freely interact with and familiarize themselves with a computer is acceptable so that the teacher can move from the known to unknown.

The notices on the ICT-agreements is excellent. Just a thought that if learners with visual impairment could also be taken care of in this interactive learning.

In areas where there are limited resources particularly buildings,we could have one resource centre in a school to be used by all the pupils but at different times. This would help maximise on time.

Reflecting on the the lessons is great because the teacher needs to know how much they are achieving with this resource. Recording of fortnightly is ideal.The wholen idea of integrating ICT in education is a government initiative in Kenya so it should have all the blessings. I have contacts of an ICT fellow at the ministry and he is willing to be contacted at to assist on any policy issue.

The idea in 1.4 on interactive teaching both with ICT and without is ok for adaptation.

On GeoGebra I am not very confident with the topics but I am reliably informed that the topics are covered in the syllabus at both primary and secondary levels.

The use of mobile computing technologies is also great so that the learner can freely move and interact with both the teacher and other learners.

1.5 The issue of leadership for learning is equally important because it brings everybody on board.All the stakeholders used in the video are relevant in the Kenyan context.Relating this to home environment is superb. In Kenya currently a lot of sharing is encouraged through guidance and counselling since corporal punishment was banned.

LfL is equally important with the introduction of students council as a form of leadership everyone can learn from one another or even the environment. There is a lot of goodwill on refresher courses that are geared towards making learning student friendly. 2.1 Creating supporting environment for dialogue is key to any proper communication.So this is ok. Cumulative talk is brilliant as it encourages listening and speaking skills which are highly encouraged in the kenyan curriculum Whole class discussion through creating supportive environment is good and the videos are ok.Creates an opportunity for a very lively classroom. Connecting with the overarching goals of the programme good. 2.2 The topic on questioning is good and the various questioning techniques can be adapted.

Having participants pick a topic and formulate questions on it encourages interaction. The video on crime writing is good and should be adapted. The idea of using questioning techniques to promote thinking is a good idea which should work for any teacher. It helps to create an interacive classroom which increases pupil participation.

2.4 Concept mapping is equally good and should be adapted. Whole class dialogue for me is the best way to achieve interaction.

2.5 All stakeholders in a school are important and should be brought on board.The idea of LfL is a brilliant idea which should be pursued to ensure that everybody in the school community knows what is taking place.

Of equal importance is involving parents in the learning of their children.They would be able to appreciate what is going on and even promot it. Recently introduced students's tracking tool.The students and their parents are given the content of the curriculum and with the help of the parent a child is able to identify areas that give them more challenges and then a teacher can foll up next time. The heads of schools and the ministry officials should be put in the know to support this. Haviing students from a higher grade assisting the lower grades can be a good idea and may help to boost their confidence. The students' council is equally important because it also deals with reading and learning.

3.1 On group work. The issue on the type of talks that can be used by various groups is of importance to any teacher.Group work in totality is important because it aids learning through interaction. Having the groups work on same task and different task is equally important.The whole chapter to be adapted. The whole idea of group work and it's management is achievable.To be adapted. All the videos are equally relevant and should be used as they are. There is no clear policy in Kenya on grouping this is left for the teacher to assess the level of need of his/her class and group them accordingly. It would be a good idea to have the students in a mixed ability group.The idea of same ability can be shelved for Kenya. 3.4 The idea on talking points and managing effeective group work is interactive and should be adapted. In the Kenyan context the grouping is only done as far as exams are concerned and it all depends on a school.This is a useful technique in handling group work. 3.5 On practising group work with etherpad application the to[oics to be discussed can be changed to read:

   1.What is the importance of Kenya's Mashujaa Day?( Heros day)
   2. Factors affecting vegetation in Kenya.
All the other questions are relevant and should be adapted.
Lesson planning for any teacher is important and so the whole chapter on designing an interactive lesson plan should be adapted.

4.1 Assessment for learning is necessary for anyone who wants to know where they are coming from and where they are going.To be adapted.
