Assessment for Learning

From OER in Education
Research shows that good practice in assessment for learning can bring about significant gains in pupil attainment

About. This study unit offers practical strategies that teachers can use to improve their understanding of assessment for learning. Assessment for learning is key because it is a powerful means to help tailor teaching to motivate and involve pupils to take their next step in learning. The techniques suggested are tried and tested; draw on academic research and teaching experience. The unit aims to build a teaching repertoire and reflect on practice. It includes case studies, research and suggestions to set personal targets for the future.

Pedagogical content. Assessment for learning has been defined as the process of interpreting evidence to decide where learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. When assessment(ta) for learning is well established in a classroom, pupils are actively involved in their learning; able to judge the success of their work and to take responsibility for their own progress.

For some shorter more focused documents drawn from this DfES document see Giving Oral Feedback, Giving Written Feedback, Sharing Learning Objectives and Outcomes. (edit)

Resource details
Title Assessment for Learning
Topic [[Topics/Assessment|Assessment]]
Teaching approach

[[Teaching Approaches/Assessment|Assessment]]

Learning Objectives

By working through the document you should enhance your understanding of AfL, and develop some strategies for utilising assessment effectively in classroom contexts.

Format / structure



[[Resources/Teacher Education|Teacher Education]]

Age of students / grade

[[Resources/Secondary|Secondary]],  [[Resources/Higher|Higher]]

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