Introduction to OER4Schools
Learning intentions and objectives.
In this session you will learn about:
- keeping a reflective journal as part of the process of ongoing reflective practice and using reflective questions to aid this process
- differences between an interactive teaching classroom and a traditional classroom
- using mini blackboards as a tool during an activity
- using digital images in interactive teaching
Success criteria.
To meet the learning intentions you will:
- record reflections on trialled activities in a learning journal soon after the activities have been carried out and use reflective questions to help structure journal entries
- accept that during interactive teaching the classroom may be more noisy and children may move around independently
- plan an activity that makes use of mini blackboards and trial it in the classroom
- plan an activity using digital images and trial it in the classroom
ICT components.
Sharing of reflections from your own trial
If you are running a professional learning programme which follows these sessions in sequence, then you should do the review of follow-up activities relating to the (Category:OER4S CPD). The 'review of follow-up activities' for that session is available, and also shown below in the session text. However, if you are following selected sessions in a different order, then you should use the reflection appropriate to the previous session you did.
The review of the follow-up activities for this session (to be done at the start of the next session) is available here.
There is no review of follow-up activities from last session available. You can go to the previous session () and.
Reflective journal
In this section, we introduce the notion of a reflective journal to support the process of ongoing reflective practice and the plan teach reflect(a) cycle. The teachers have already heard about doing reflections in the last session, but now we formalise this slightly.
Emphasise concrete planning of time for doing reflections.
Introduction (5 min) to keeping a reflective journal Ideally teachers would keep a booklet, and keep a copy of the following questions handy to guide your reflections. Refer back to the previous session for guidance on reflection.
As a facilitator, how will you know whether these questions have been understood? In the classroom, we often ask students: "Have you understood? Are we clear?", to which the students always answer: "YES!". An important part of becoming an interactive workshop facilitator or an interactive teacher is to know how to ask the right questions, to actually probe whether participants have understood.
One important question for this is: "Can you give an example?" So as you go through the reflective questions below, ask participants to give/record examples to back up their observations. This might mean that they write about what a particular student said or how a particular student responded.
Group discussion (10 min) on reflective questions As a group, read through the following questions, making sure that everybody understands how to use them.
For each reflection, first note down the day of the week and the date today, so that you can keep track of your reflections and how your teaching practice evolves over time.
Questions to help you:
- What subject was the lesson (e.g. maths / science / other) and what was the lesson about (i.e. the topic, e.g. long division)?
- What interactive technique did you choose to use (ICT-based or not ICT-based)?
- What resources were used (both ICT and non-ICT)?
- What did you expect to achieve with the strategy adopted?
- What were the outcomes? (e.g. What do you think pupils learned about the topic? How can you tell? Any unexpected occurrences?)
- If ICT was used, do you think the use of ICT in this particular lesson contributed to pupil understanding of subject concepts? How?
- What difficulties did you encounter?
- What were the positive aspects of this experience?
- What did the children get out of the activity? How can you tell?
- How did you (as the teacher) find out what the children learnt / thought about the activities / got out of them?
- What did you (as the teacher) get out of it?
- Did you find it difficult?
- Did the activity allow students to meet the learning objective that it was designed to address?
- What would you do differently next time?
Space for your own questions:
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________
You can print this content on a separate sheet here: OER4Schools/reflective journal questions.
In some schools, teachers have recorded reflections on a dictaphone. A separate sheet with questions is available here: audio diary guidance.
For the trial, also use dictaphones. How are the teachers finding that? See more expanded list of questions in the audio diary guidelines.
Examples of interactive teaching in Zambia
Many African teachers aspire to be interactive teachers. Yet, interactive teaching is not common in the African classroom. However, it can work in this context!
The following clip shows Eness, a teacher in a community school near Lusaka interacting with a Grade 3 class. Watch the clip of her class discussion about Is a bat a bird?
Video (5 min): Watch a video of a whole class discussion.
Watch video:
Whole class discussion
Whole class discussion of ‘Is a bat a bird?' Teacher sets unresolved problem as homework
Video/Eness vertebrates 12.mp4,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Eness Vertebrates folder. Duration: 4:19 watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Eness Vertebrates, episode 12)(Transcript available here or via YouTube captions.)
(Clip shows whole class discussion of ‘is a bat a bird?', set unresolved problem as homework)
Whole group discussion (10 min) on the whole class discussion video.
- What have you noticed?
- How are the learners taught?
- How do you think they will react to the homework task?
- Is this classroom different from yours?
- What is interactive teaching?
Issues to discuss
- Noisy but productive - A classroom can be noisy and productive at the same time
- interactive = inter-action (with view to sense making; i.e. purpose of inter-action is to make sense)
- Children making sense of ideas for themselves, developing their own classifications, relating to what they already know...
- Teacher not telling answer, asking students to investigate for themselves
Facilitator needs to know how to deal with criticisms (such as too noisy, too much chaos, not productive)
The road is long. But it can be done!
Practitioner reflection on interactive teaching
Reflection (5 min): Practitioner reflection on interactive teaching. The key to interactive teaching is teachers shifting “from telling to listening” and learners shifting from receiving information to making sense of it for themselves.
How can we “listen” to learners? What does that mean in practice?
Facilitator describes own experience of shifting to interactive teaching and how it is different in his/her classroom now…
Evidence for impact of interactive teaching (optional)
Generally we have experienced that teachers welcome interactive ways of teaching. However, it is possible that teachers may object or have major concerns to the interactive teaching shown in the videos as well as what has emerged from this discussion. For instance, they may say that this just will not work in their classroom, that it may not work with large classes, or perhaps that such styles of teaching would not be welcome by parents or head teachers for various reasons.
At this stage, you could introduce interactive teaching as an international trend. Research evidence from different countries shows that this kind of active learning is both motivating and far more effective for learning than direct instruction (“chalk-and-talk” or lecturing). In particular independent, collaborative or oral work, as well as questioning and whole-class discussion that encourage pupils to grapple with ideas are effective. They lead to long-term and deeper learning rather than memorising facts (resulting in short-term, superficial learning).
The following video clip may help to reinforce the point.
Video (5 min): Watch a video on one Zambian teacher’s experience of interactive teaching.
Agness Tembo speaking at eLearning Africa 2010 in Lusaka, Zambia
Agness Tembo speaking at eLearning Africa 2010 in Lusaka, Zambia
Video/Agness Tembo at eLA 2010 Zambia.mp4,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Talks folder. Duration: 12:34 (Series: Talks, episode 02)
This two minute clip features Agness Tembo, a Grade 2 teacher from Chalimbana Basic School located in a rural area of Zambia. She is presenting at the e-Learning Africa Conference 2010 her own experiences of participating in Phase 1 of the OER4Schools research project. She talks animatedly about the challenges she faced in introducing both ICT and interactive pedagogy into her (mathematics) teaching for the first time, the benefits to students, and the qualities she needed as a teacher to make the shift successful.
Introduction (5 min) of Think Pair Share.
Description of Think Pair Share(a): This technique encourages cooperative learning by peer interactivity. Teachers should cue the progress from one step to the next. In the primary classroom, hand signals for each step can be developed with the students and these can be used along with verbal cues.
Here are the steps:
- Think - Students listen to a question (this may be an open-ended question to which there are many answers) or a presentation and are given ‘think time’ to formulate their responses.
- Pair - Following the ‘think time’, students work together with a partner, sharing ideas, discussing, clarifying and challenging.
- Share -The pair then share their ideas with another pair, or with the whole class. Students should be prepared to share their partner’s ideas as well as their own.
Allowing students time to think, sometimes referred to as 'wait time' has been shown by researchers to improve the quality of their responses. Talking through ideas with a partner first before sharing them with a wider audience allows for those ideas to be elaborated on and refined.
Option A
Think pair share (10 min) your ideas on the differences between interactive teaching and traditional teaching
We mentioned that interactive teaching involves moving from “telling” to “listening.” What other words do you feel might describe the difference between traditional approaches and interactive teaching? What are the two kinds of classroom like? Think on your own for a minute and then pair up and discuss your ideas with a partner. Write your ideas on the board for all to see. Aim for each person to write a word or phrase for each approach perhaps under the headings 'traditional classroom' vs 'interactive classroom'.
Some contrasts people might make (let them suggest their own terms):
- passive - active
- quiet - noisy
- individual - collaborative
Note: these are not value judgments - they can be positive or negative in different circumstances!
Option B
Think Pair Share (5 min) on what interactive teaching offers you. What does interactive teaching offer you? Share your thoughts with the whole group.
Practical activity
Practical activity (20 min). In the last session, we looked at a basic netbook familiarisation. We now use the browser to display images, and do a learning activity. Take a netbook per pair, start the netbook, open the browser, and navigate to this page:
Classifying animals with images
Pair work (5 min). on Watch the following video sequence and pause after each clip to discuss with a partner: What would you record on the template to capture this activity? (There is no need to actually write on it.)
Stimulus (10 min). Eness_vertebrates_clips 2,4,6,8: (1 min. 40, 2 mins. 43, 3 mins. 43, 7 mins. 03 = 15 mins. 09 total)
Students hand out blackboards
Students hand out blackboards themselves (active)
Video/Eness vertebrates 2.mp4,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Eness Vertebrates folder. Duration: 1:40 watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Eness Vertebrates, episode 02)(Transcript available here or via YouTube captions.)
Teacher repeats and clarifies
Teacher repeats and clarifies instructions; she illustrates them with nonsense classifications so students do not copy hers
Video/Eness vertebrates 4.mp4,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Eness Vertebrates folder. Duration: 2:43 watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Eness Vertebrates, episode 04)(Transcript available here or via YouTube captions.)
Mini-blackboards group work
Groupwork using mini-blackboards: group of 5 recording under their own category of ‘animals with no legs’ and interacting as a group
Video/Eness vertebrates 6.mp4,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Eness Vertebrates folder. Duration: 3:43 watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Eness Vertebrates, episode 06)(Transcript available here or via YouTube captions.)
Group presentation
Group presentation: teacher detects error and asks for input from children to verify (rather than ‘telling’); she corrects error with input from class.
Video/Eness vertebrates 8.mp4,,This video is available on your memory stick in the video/Eness Vertebrates folder. Duration: 7:03 watch on YouTube, local play / download options / download from dropbox)(Series: Eness Vertebrates, episode 08)
TOTAL: 15:09
This video sequence contains four consecutive clips from the same lesson you saw earlier, showing:
- Clip 2: Students hands out blackboards themselves (active)
- Clip 4: Teacher repeats and clarifies instructions; she illustrates them with nonsense classifications so students do not copy hers
- Clip 6: Groupwork using mini-blackboards: group of 5 recording under their own category of ‘animals with no legs’ and interacting as a group
- Clip 8: Group presentation: teacher detects error and asks for input from children to verify (rather than ‘telling’); she corrects error with input from class.
Whole Group Discussion (10 min). When you have discussed these clips one by one in pairs, continue with whole group discussion on content of clips:
- What new techniques was Eness using this time?
- How did she ensure that children were active?
- What role did the mini blackboards play?
- How can teachers create a good relationship with their class so that children can learn?
- What kind of classroom atmosphere supports learning?
Pair work (5 min)on planning a classification activity In a pair, plan your own classification activity using the browser based slideshow that you have been exploring. The classification activity that you choose should be appropriate for the age of your students and be for a a lesson you are teaching imminently. You may want to pair up with a teacher of the same grade if this is possible. Plan to make use of the mini blackboards during the activity.
Choose one of the two techniques below and discuss with your partner what you are going to do. Record this in an activity template.
Questions to help you complete the template for this specific kind of activity:
2. Mini blackboard activity:
- Will individuals or pairs have a blackboard?
- What is the purpose of recording on a blackboard? For example, will all learners hold them up to show me their ideas? Will they discuss with peers? Will they record the results of a learning activity? Will they write or draw on the blackboards?
Peer observations
Introduction (10 min) of peer observation
Encourage peer observation if possible, and teachers to suggest changes for themselves.
Follow up activity
- Classification of vertebrates (as above)
- Another animal classification task as approp. to the curriculum
- Classification of shapes
In a future session, you will learn how to make your own slideshows. If you are ambitious, you might want to explore how to do this yourself.
At the end of each session, we provide an overview of the activities in this session, together with their suggested timings. Although this appears at the end of the session (for technical reasons), you should keep an eye on this throughout the session, to make sure that you are pacing the workshop session appropriately!
Total time: 120 (min)
Activities in this session:
- Introduction (5 min) to keeping a reflective journal
- Group discussion (10 min) on reflective questions
- Video (5 min): Watch a video of a whole class discussion.
- Whole group discussion (10 min) on the whole class discussion video.
- Reflection (5 min): Practitioner reflection on interactive teaching.
- Video (5 min): Watch a video on one Zambian teacher’s experience of interactive teaching.
- Introduction (5 min) of Think Pair Share.
- Think pair share (10 min) your ideas on the differences between interactive teaching and traditional teaching
- Think Pair Share (5 min) on what interactive teaching offers you.
- Practical activity(20 min).
- Pair work(5 min).
- Stimulus(10 min).
- Whole Group Discussion(10 min).
- Pair work (5 min)on planning a classification activity
- Introduction (10 min) of peer observation
If you have printed this session for offline use, you may also need to download the following assets:
- Video/Eness vertebrates 12.mp4 (local play / download options / download from dropbox)
- Video/Agness Tembo at eLA 2010 Zambia.mp4 (local play / download options / download from dropbox)
- Video/Eness vertebrates 2.mp4 (local play / download options / download from dropbox)
- Video/Eness vertebrates 4.mp4 (local play / download options / download from dropbox)
- Video/Eness vertebrates 6.mp4 (local play / download options / download from dropbox)
- Video/Eness vertebrates 8.mp4 (local play / download options / download from dropbox)
Next session: