Learning platforms all aboard

From OER in Education

About. Course information
Learning outcomes
Course schedule
Introducing ourselves
My school and the VLE
Sharing initial findings
Issues: Pedagogy and society
What does policy say?
Developing the strategic plan
Shared learning
Evaluation and certification

Pedagogical content. Installing a learning platform or VLE(tool) is as much about changing culture and processes as it is about new ICT(i). This course will help Secondary senior leaders get more value from their learning platform, by understanding how it can benefit their school and by giving them time to successfully implement it. It covers some key considerations including

and various pedagogic benefits of VLE use, including increased collaboration(ta) and group work(ta) as well as some nice methods of assessment(ta) and differentiation(ta). (edit)

Resource details
Title Learning platforms all aboard
Topic [[Topics/E-safety|E-safety]],  [[Topics/Sharing practice|Sharing practice]],  [[Topics/Curriculum development|Curriculum development]],  [[Topics/Virtual Learning Environment|Virtual Learning Environment]],  [[Topics/E-skills|E-skills]]
Teaching approach

[[Teaching Approaches/Assessment|Assessment]],  [[Teaching Approaches/Differentiation|Differentiation]],  [[Teaching Approaches/Group work|Group work]],  [[Teaching Approaches/Collaboration|Collaboration]],  [[Teaching Approaches/Planning|Planning]]

Learning Objectives

Professional and reflective practitioner skills
At the completion of this course, students should be able to:
* play an active role in their school’s implementation of its VLE,
* lead a team of practitioners in the implementation of their school’s VLE - where appropriate to their role.
Practical skills
At the completion of this course, students should be able to:
* complete a plan for the implementation of a VLE in their school.
Knowledge and understanding
At the completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate:
* an understanding of the ways in which a VLE can be used to improve teaching and learning,
* an understanding of the ways in which VLEs can be used for collaborative activities that engage all members of the school and its wider community.
Cognitive skills
* At the completion of this course, students should be able to:
* discuss different ways in which VLEs might be used in learning contexts in schools.

Format / structure

Various online activities.


[[Resources/Teacher Education|Teacher Education]]

Age of students / grade

[[Resources/KS5|KS5]],  [[Resources/Secondary|Secondary]],  [[Resources/Higher|Higher]],  [[Resources/KS4|KS4]],  [[Resources/KS3|KS3]]

Related ORBIT Wiki Resources
Other (e.g. time frame)

Duration of the course: 20 hours over eight weeks

Files and resources to view and download

http://www.vital.ac.uk/community/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=1611. Users must register with the VITAL website (free registration) before they can access the resource.

An edited version of this resource is available here